Today we are going to be looking at how to find keywords you can use on Etsy for digital downloads or print on demand products that are geared towards men. Why I Wrote This Post My very favorite almost son in law is starting his own shops selling digital downloads of his artwork and he …
Etsy Marketing
Today we are going to look at 10 reasons very few people start selling immediately when they open an Etsy shop. Tips and ideas for how to start your new Etsy shop fast. Why I Am Writing This Post I recently started ANOTHER Etsy store… in the past I had a super successful digital products …
There are some unique challenges when you want to make Pinterest pins for your Print On Demand products. Here are my best tips and ideas for how to make effective pins to get more store clicks! Why NOW Is The Time To Start Making Pins For Your POD Business Me and my besty are super …
I sat down with POD coach Rebekah Welch to get all my questions answered about starting an Etsy store fulfilled by Printify! Here are her best tips and ideas for how to have a successful artist Etsy store! My Artist Story I accidentally became an artist in my early 50s, doing magazine collage art almost …
If you are an artist, ecommerce seller or non-profit using public domain stories is a great way to find free commercial use materials to use in your marketing. Here are the stories that are “fair game” to use in commercial products because they are outside of the copyright period! Disclaimer… I am not a copyright …
Today we are going figure out some good Mom Gift SEO Keywords to focus on in our Etsy Listings! Tips and ideas for finding good Mom Keywords. What Are Mom Gift Keywords? When we are thinking of gift for mom keywords, we are super early in the buying process. Someone has come to Etsy to …
Today I am going to show you EXACTLY how to do the research to find the best keywords to use for your Etsy mug and coffee cups listings. My Etsy SEO Story In 2015 I opened my first Etsy store, selling necklaces…. come to find out I ate selling necklaces, but I LOVE Etsy! I …
Today we are going to talk about Intellectual Property (IP) and Copyright. So many sellers contact me with listings removed or stores shut down I want to help you understand what is going on and how to avoid problems in the future! If you are reading this there is a good chance you have received …
All my best tips and ideas for how to add printables to your business. Since I started selling digital downloads on Etsy, my own website and Shopify I have made 100s of dollars a month! Here are all my best tips and ideas for how to create printables to sell online that will help add …