Tips and ideas for how to tell the difference between features and benefits in your marketing! Small Business Marketers are Selling The Steak Instead Of Selling the Sizzle! What the heck does that mean? Well it means that as humans it is SO much easier for us to sell the features of a product than …
Small Business Marketing
As a business owner, Pinterest marketing is a great way to get the word out about your product or service. These tips and ideas go far beyond just scheduling you pins… learn to check your stats, make pins super easy and even join group boards without begging! My Tailwind Story Before we get started I …
One day I was writing my BIG LIST of Tools and Resources For Bloggers and I went out on the internet to find a great list of marketing holidays. Doh, there were no good resources that listed holidays and seasonal advertising themes for marketing so I decided to make my own! This is a big …
As an artist you hear all the time that you should “stop trading time for money”, but how can you get off the hamster wheel of making art to sell and start making passive income from your art? Affiliate marketing can help artists have a super profitable side hustle! Here are all my best tips …
If you are ready to set BIG audacious goals for 2021, this post will give you all the step by step tips and ideas you need to set, accomplish and make your goal setting dreams a reality! My Goal For 2021 I am going to talk about my goal for 2021 A LOT because goal …
I have been obsessing about the marketing holidays lately and how to capitalize on the popularity of these special times for sales! All my top tips and ideas in this super long and in depth article about the main marketing holidays including dates, hashtags and keywords you can use in blog posts and social media. …
Next week is Black Friday Sales season and I plan on rocking the heck out of this holiday sales-wise. While I was getting all my tips together I thought I would show you my plan for dominating this shopping season! Part of my Seasonal Marketing Campaign Series! What Are You Selling? First off, you want …
Today we are going to be smart business owners and use our content a BUNCH of different ways. And by content I mean videos, pictures, blog posts, ebooks, courses, etc. Using Content Multiple Ways! Today’s post came about because I was giving my newsletter peeps ideas about how they could actually use their marketing work …
Today we are going to be looking at how we can use “internal SEO” and SEO keyword research to get more Google traffic to your online retail store! There are some seriously easy ways to find keywords that are easy to rank for AND you can boost your own SEO… whoo whoo! Which Products Should …