Tips and ideas for how to set up your email marketing campaigns, including strategy for getting signups, setting up onboarding drip campaigns and more! You May Be Wondering What To Do For Your Email Marketing! Okay, this is going to be a LONG detailed post to help you with every step of setting up your …
Small Business Marketing
So many of my peeps are frustrated, wondering how they can make money just by writing blog posts, it seems like there must be some voodoo magic behind it all! Here are 6 of my best tips and ideas for ways to make money blogging. 6 Ways To Make Money From Blogging I have been …
Creative valentines day ideas for business. Tips and ideas for how you can leverage Valentines Day in your small business marketing. Today we are going to talk about creating a super fun and friendly marketing campaign for Valentine’s Day (which is celebrated on February 14 in the United States). Because this is primarily for business …
As a marketing nut, I take A LOT of marketing courses. Over the years I have found some that are amazing. Here are my best tips and ideas for marketing courses to help grow your business! How I picked the best online marketing courses! I know, most lists like these are just a big ole …
I get SO many questions about how many Pinterest pins should be made, I just have to step up and give a definitive answer! Tips and ideas for making and scheduling your Pinterest pins! How Many Pinterest Pins Should You Have? Okay, let’s stick a stake in the ground and say 3 at a minimum, …
Today we are going to be talking about how to do influencer marketing outreach. Tips and ideas for finding people in your industry, niche authorities or other people who can potentially help your sales or marketing efforts and how to start connecting with them. Who Are Influencers? Before we get too far down the line, …
Blogging is hard, you have so many things to do and it seems like getting a little free money just for adding a link to a blog post might be a great idea. Here are some tips and ideas about why you should stay REALLY far away from this revenue channel! SUPER SIMPLE ANSWER First …
Doing a Thanksgiving marketing campaign? Here are my best tips and ideas for how to promote your business or products during the Thanksgiving seasonal holiday! Thanksgiving is a bit of weird outlier in the holiday realm. For the most part it has not be changed to a sales holiday, it remains a relatively pure family …
Now you can use Gutenberg blocks and free plugins to make beautiful sales pages the easy way on your WordPress blog! Until the new Gutenberg WordPress blocks, I alway had to use a paid service like Clickfunnels or Leadpages to make pretty sales landing pages, but not anymore. Example Landing Page With Gutenberg Blocks I …