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If you are an Etsy, Ebay, Shopify or any other online store seller, you need to have a way to take those “cool” lifestyle product photographs that pop in social media posts. Using a product photography background can help both with branding and making your pictures look more professional! Here are my best tips, ideas …

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Just the other day I was writing a post about How To Take Super Amazing Product Photography With Your iPhone, and I got to thinking about the backgrounds of my pictures. If we are working in layers to make our pictures look pretty then the background of our product photography are a super important step …

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Thinking about selling tshirts on Etsy using Printify? I checked it out for you as an experienced Etsy seller and can answer a bunch of your questions in this Printify review! When Printify contacted me and said they wanted me to write a post about making Etsy t shirts using the Printify app I was …

Read More about 5 Hacks For Selling Tshirts On Etsy Using Printify

The hardest part about doing Etsy SEO is figuring out how to keep your good listings popular, but also increase the views on your “loser” listings or launch new products that will rank well in Etsy search. A big part of this process is figuring out new and unique tag and title keywords that you …

Read More about Finding Creative Tag and Title Keywords For Your Etsy Listings

If you are an Etsy shop owner, you probably would love to know what the most successful vintage Etsy shops do to succeed. As this is also super interesting to me, I thought that I would do bunch of research to see what we could find out. I have found in my marketing career that …

Read More about What The Most Successful Vintage Etsy Shops Do To Succeed

Selling vintage on Etsy is very different than selling handmade or supplies. We are not able to make one or two shining star listings that stay up forever, but need to be super mindful of the fact that our current listings have to each be great so that we show up in Etsy search for …

Read More about Selling Vintage on Etsy – SEO, Keywords and Descriptions

Selling vintage on Etsy is super different than selling handmade or supplies. I feel like most of the information out there is for these types of sellers so I wanted to talk a bit about some things that are specific to just vintage Etsy marketers! 3 Part Series For Vintage Etsy Sellers Today I am …

Read More about Selling Vintage On Etsy – Sourcing, Margins, Shipping and Storage