One of the things that I find vintage sellers on Ebay or Etsy struggle with the most is figuring out who their perfect customer is. Every time I hear, “anyone would love this” I cringe a little inside. There is an old adage, if you are selling to everyone, you are selling to no one. …
Etsy marketing
The range of buyers can be anywhere from a little old lady trying to relive her childhood to a young hipster who is trying to be cutting edge cool! Why Your Customer Matters Real quick before we get into our “buyers”, let’s just talk about WHY this matters! Store Wide So my vintage store sells …
Figuring out what product pins are most appealing on Pinterest for Etsy and Ecommerce sellers has become a bit of a mission for me! I LOVE fiddling around with product photography and social media to see what will make my offerings stand out from just a tidal wave of competing products. My methods are based …
I have a really cool Etsy marketing newsletter and one day a gal named Sally replied back to my welcome email saying.. “Very excited to have found you! I think I found a link from playing around with Etsy Rank. I’m putting a lot of time into my 2 Etsy shops and only seeing sporadic …
Today’s post is a case study of how Esty sellers can find their perfect customers. Having just done a workshop last week, I was thrilled to hear that one of the big questions was making sure that the sellers knew who was most likely to buy their products. This is a big turnaround from the …
If you are an Etsy shop owner, you probably would love to know what the most successful vintage Etsy shops do to succeed. As this is also super interesting to me, I thought that I would do bunch of research to see what we could find out. I have found in my marketing career that …
Etsy Shop Updates are a thing. There I said it. They seem like just another thing that I have to do to keep my Etsy store relevant. But are they important? Should I stop doing something else and make them a priority? Will they help increase sales or just be another “social media” task that takes up …
Selling vintage on Etsy is super different than selling handmade or supplies. I feel like most of the information out there is for these types of sellers so I wanted to talk a bit about some things that are specific to just vintage Etsy marketers! 3 Part Series For Vintage Etsy Sellers Today I am …
Today we are going to be talking about selling vintage products on Etsy. This is WAY different than selling handmade items and comes with its own challenges and rewards. 3 Part Series For Vintage Etsy Sellers Challenges of Selling Vintage On Etsy So the biggest challenge for me about selling vintage items is that there …