Tips and ideas for how to fill your marketing calendar with ways to contact your past clients and potential buyers in a genuine way. This powerful tool is a great way to stay in touch throughout the year!

In your real estate business there is nothing more important than maintaining contact with your past clients, while reaching out to potential buyers and sellers at the same time!
Using a real estate marketing calendar to schedule out your social media campaign for the year, plan videos, do email marketing and writing blog posts is a great way to stay top of mind without being spammy.
Who can blame you for sharing in the festive fun of a holiday season?!?
How It Works In The Real World
My besty, the Irish Realtor Deb Ward is from Ireland and her hottest time of the year is St. Patricks Day when she goes ALL OUT with her marketing efforts.
She sends a handwritten note to all her past clients, records a video message to send via email marketing and does social media posts like a fiend!
Over the years she has gotten a lot of closed business from simply reaching out during a perfect time that makes sense for her clients to expect to hear from her!
Now you might not be Irish, but you might be into Halloween (me) or be a Military Veteran (thank you for your service) or be a Christian Realtor who loves Easter. It doesn't matter what you pick, but I recommend picking one or two holidays per year to OWN!
The rest of them can just be for funsies and keeping in touch! I loved doing pop-bys for all the holidays… putting together little bags of “stuff” to drop off at my past clients and potential clients home!

Monthly Real Estate Holidays
I have made a list of at least one holiday for each month of the year that you can put on your marketing calendar and check off when you get them done!
- New Year's Day (January 1st): Fresh starts, resolutions, and setting goals for a new home.
- Valentine's Day (February 14th): Focus on couples and cozy homes.
- St. Patrick's Day (March 17th): Use a green color scheme and perhaps a touch of humor related to finding your “lucky” home.
- April Fools' Day (April 1st) Lighthearted pranks, humor, or a playful “too good to be true” listing.
- Mother's Day (Second Sunday of May) Family, appreciation and finding a home to create memories in.
- Father's Day (Third Sunday of June) Similar to Mother's Day, but with themes of home as a sanctuary or the perfect space for Dad's hobbies.
- Independence Day (July 4th) Tie into the concept of freedom and the American Dream of homeownership.
- Back to School (August) Highlight homes near good schools, family-friendly features.
- Start of Fall (September) Emphasize cozy vibes, preparing your home for the change in season.
- Halloween (October 31st) Playful content about “haunted” houses (open houses!), home décor.
- Thanksgiving (Fourth Thursday of November) Gratitude, togetherness, and highlighting homes perfect for hosting gatherings.
- Christmas (December 25th) Coziness, family, and making a house feel like a home for the holidays.
Real Estate-Specific Holidays
Make these ones fun! Just remind people that you are around and will to help them when they are ready to buy or sell a home!
- National Homeownership Month (June) Great time to promote the benefits of buying vs. renting.
- National Curb Appeal Month (August) Tips on improving curb appeal, staging, importance of first impressions.
Fun and Quirky Holidays
ALWAYS make sure that your marketing is real estate focused, I see too many real estate agents promoting things that are not home related which will confuse your clients!
- National Get Organized Day (January): Decluttering tips, highlighting homes with good storage
- National Puppy Day (March 23rd) : Pet-friendly homes, fenced-in backyards.
- National Napping Day (Second Monday in March): Cozy bedrooms or spaces for relaxation.
- National Clean Your Fridge Day (November 15th): Promote spacious kitchens, new appliances.
Real Estate Marketing Ideas For Holidays
I have thoughts about this kind of marketing… good thoughts!!! Here are some tips and ideas for how to use these real estate holidays to your advantage!
What Is The Best Time of Year To Do Holiday Marketing?
I KNOW, most real estate agents are great at sending Christmas cards out and the really “unique” ones send messages of thanks at Thanksgiving. Doing things at the same time all the other agents are doing them lessens the effectiveness of the marketing.
Using these different holidays gives you a unique opportunity to make contact at different times using phone calls, social media platforms, direct mail, text messages, email marketing or even funny videos if that is your jam!

What if instead of doing the same old, same old, you had an April Fools holiday party and invited everyone to dress silly? Or if you had a Mothers Day toy drive to support a local charity in your town.
The best part about doing these sorts of unique marketing things is that it exposes you to a wider audience than you would get by just mailing out a refrigerator magnet to your past clients! You could be getting new leads AND spreading good cheer throughout the whole year!
Holidays Are A Great Excuse To Reach Out!
I worked for a real estate company that recommended we make phone calls for two hours a day, five days a week… ack! I know that a successful real estate agent is one that stays in touch with their past clients, but dang that is a lot of talking to people for my taste!

What if instead of all those phone calls you shared a holiday marketing message to your sphere of influence? Or used your social media content to promote fun holidays! You don't have to stick with the ones I gave you, if you are a nerdy Realtor shout out Pi Day or if if you love Star Wars dress up like Princess Leah and promote May the 4th.
It is not about being pushy when you use this marketing strategy, instead it is a effective way to connect holiday events with your marketing to get your peeps into a holiday spirit all year long!
Share The Holidays With Your Vendors
I got so much business from my favorite vendors, they were always sending listings my way because they knew I would take care of their favorite peeps!
While you can't give out gift cards to your clients per RESPA, there is nothing that says you can't give them to your vendors! This is an excellent way to strengthen your relationship and maybe get some new referrals!

Use Your Social Media Pages To Share House Related Holiday Things
Say it is Christmas time, what if you go around your real estate farm and take pictures of the best decorated houses? That is going to be more impactful than posting another Happy Holidays message!
Or what if you went to a local market for the “Fall” holiday and took pictures of kids and families picking out pumkins. Many times local community churches and schools use pumpkin sales as a fundraiser, this is a great opportunity to promote a community event that will encourage people to get out there and have a good time! Win-win!
Do You Have To Have A Whole “Marketing Campaign”?
When you are using marketing strategies like holiday marketing it feel super overwhelming. Do you have to make a production for each and every holiday that comes along?
Nope! While I do feel like each holiday is a fantastic way to reach out, you can pick one or two to go all out for and then just have the rest of the holiday months be for email or social media engagement.
You are not an event planner, you are a Realtor who is probably super busy doing real estate things… these marketing holiday should be scheduled in as part of your marketing efforts, not become your whole job!
Real Estate Marketing Holidays Wrapup
I hope you had fun thinking about all the cool marketing you could do during the year…. I had a blast making you this calendar printable and thinking about ways that you could stay in touch without having to spend all of your time on the phone (I am such an introvert… that is my worst nightmare!)
Here are some additional real estate marketing articles you might like!
- How To Make Videos Into Blog Posts – Real Estate Marketing
- Targeting Multi Generational Buyers For Real Estate Agents
- 5 Open House Myths Busted | Real Estate Marketing