I made these free Mothers Day Canva templates just for you! They have fun free Canva fonts and images that you can use just as is or customize with your own photos, website and logo to make them true to your brand!

Why Pinterest is Key for Mother's Day Marketing
If you have been around Pinterest for any amount of time you know that over 80% of their users are women and Pinterest has a huge focus towards shopping and holidays (don't freak out if all your other Pins drop during “holidays” that is just how Pinterest works!)
WIth that in mind, here is how you can use Pinterest to your advantage if you are a:
Ecommerce seller… why are you reading this? Go make pins right that combine your product and the Mother's day holiday! Shoppers are looking for Mother's Day gift ideas right this second!
Bloggers… take all your Mother's Day content and get it out there on Pinterest! Pinterest tends to suppress evergreen content around the holidays so you want to backfill that loss with Mothers Day themed content around this time of the year!

Why Canva Is So Cool
I have worked with a LOT of entrepreneurs who are just not great at graphic design… sigh. I would give them so many graphic design tips and for some reason they just never clicked!
Canva is a great for taking all that trouble away because you can just open the template file that I already made for you and add your own bits to the pins, download them and either post natively to Pinterest or schedule them with a tool like Tailwind (which I use! this is affiliate link… if you purchase a subscription I will get a wee bit of money!)
I love that we have so many more entrepreneur resources available for easy content creation!
Free Canva Fonts and Pictures For Mothers Day!
When I designed these free templates I made sure to only use free Canva fonts and pictures. Canva does have A LOT of resources that are available for free!
That said, I do recommend that you get the paid version.. it is like $13 a month and you functionally get the same quality photos and fonts that you would get having a subscription to a stock photo site AND a font download site!
How Use My Canva Templates
Click on over to the free Canva Mothers Day templates using the link or click the image below! (there is no signup required, you will just go right to the template!)

If you already have a Canva account you are good to go! If you don't have an account already you can set one up for free and start using the templates right away!
While these designs are great as they site, you will want to your logo, product images, special offers, and of course, your unique brand personality!
Post them to Pinterest with a link to your website and get your Mother's Day promotion started fast and easy!
Mothers Day Canva Pinterest Templates FAQ
I am sure you have questions about this, especially if this is your first time using Canva templates or adding Pinterest to your social media strategy! Here are some great tips and ideas!
Will All Small Business Marketing Work On Pinterest?
I don't think all small businesses will do well on Pinterest unless they have a way to target some of the content that does well on Pinterest.
For example, I am a B2B brand but I make planner printables that are B2C which do well on Pinterest!
Also, Pinterest is a visual marketing platform so if you don't have a way to express your marketing visually it will be very hard to use these or any other social media templates to market your business on Pinterest.
Holiday Marketing Strategies
One thing that has worked brilliantly for me is to think about “seasonal marketing“. This allows you to use holidays throughout the year to create big spikes of traffic to your website.
Giving away free Canva design templates for Mothers Day and other seasonal holidays is one way that I use seasonal holidays in my digital marketing strategy!
How Will These Templates Help Your Pinterest Marketing Strategy?
If you are new to Pinterest there are some metrics for pin popularity you might not know about!
First off is Pinterest engagement, which means that the user does something, could be clicking to see more, could be liking or saving your pin. These pins are designed to spark engagement on Pinterest!
The next thing is Pinterest saves, which means the user saves it to a board on their account. This helps in two ways: it adds the keywords of that board to your pin's history and it allows them to find it later when they are ready to engage!
Last is clicks to your website! If you have relevant holiday related content then Pinterest users will click on over to see what they can do with that to make their holidays better!
Free Mother's Day Canva Templates For Pinterest Wrapup
Whether you are using Pinterest for increasing website traffic, ecommerce marketing, online branding or other things that I haven't thought of, Canva for entrepreneurship is really a game changer!
Years ago I would have made you Photoshop templates that would be hard to use and clunky. Now you can have a free account from Canva, use their graphic design tools and their assets for free and use Pinterest for free marketing too!
What a time we live in!
Here are some more free Canva templates for holidays that you might like!
- Amazing Free Canva Templates For Easter
- Free Canva Templates For St. Patricks Day that will make you lucky as the Irish!
- Awesome Canva Pinterest Templates For Fathers Day