Today I want to talk about how there are certain milestones in our businesses that make everything easier… but you gotta get there first! Whether it is listing numbers, social media stats, Youtube views or website hits, at some point things become easier when you have the numbers on your side! Why I Wrote This …
Small Business Marketing
If you are an artist, ecommerce seller or non-profit using public domain stories is a great way to find free commercial use materials to use in your marketing. Here are the stories that are “fair game” to use in commercial products because they are outside of the copyright period! Disclaimer… I am not a copyright …
How you can use your own interests and demographics to reach out to customers to sell more of your goods or services! This is sometimes called building a “client avatar” of your customers. I was talking with Desy, my middle kid, the other day and I asked her to CC daddy on our conversation. Luckily …
These are totally free, non branded Fathers Day images and quotes that you can use on your Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest or stories! Where I Got The Images I always worried about where the designer got the images when I was sharing! Just so you know I paid for the images on Scopio and used …
Today we are going to debunk a new claim I heard that being a Multi Level Marketing rep is the same as being a Realtor. This is part of my continuing series of what MLM is not like, including not like affiliate marketing. My Real Estate Story Just so you know my credentials for talking …
As a working artist, the questions of whether you HAVE to do Facebook and Instagram and TikTok is fraught with problems! Here is my take after having put myself (and my art) out there for over 20 years on the internet. My Artist Social Media Story I have been on social media since the early …
I have accidentally become a working artist in my 50s… yay! And it may surprise you to know I don’t sell my work. Here are 10 ways you can make money as an artist! My Artist Story I have been in marketing since 1999 when I was an administrative assistant at web hosting company. Who …
Just recently I suggested that two of my besties start freelancing… to which they answered UGH. But you CAN find freelance jobs you love if you think about the Venn diagram of what you like to do and what people need! Why Should You Freelance? If you are considering jumping into the freelance game, you …
I wanted to find “be kind” kind quotes from people and sources who are generally cool and worth listening to! Here are my favorite kindness quotes with some fun pictures you can share on social media! Why “Be Kind” Quotes? I am a bit of a quote nerd and love to collect them to use …