Real estate marketing is generally a serious thing. That having been said, if you have the right personality, funny real estate postcards can be a great advertising tool!
When I was real estate agent, I frequently used humor to make connections with my clients, prospects, sphere and farms. While I did not use comical sales verbiage often, when I did I got an overwhelmingly positive response!
While this is primarily about postcards, the ideas that are here will work for door hangers, popby cards and even t-shirts or notecards.
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Aren't Real Estate Postcards Dead?
Before we get started let's address the elephant in the room! Years ago all the agents were sending postcards, but isn't marketing all about Facebook now? ACK!!
As many of you have noticed, times have changed and effective real estate marketing has had to become more than posting your listings on Facebook to the 100 (or 10) people that might happen to see it!
Postcards are a great marketing tool BECAUSE you are competing with far fewer eyeballs! Yes, another local agent might be sending postcards too, but that is far less than the gabillions of agents on social media!
Finding Your Perfect Real Estate Clients
Good old fashioned direct mail postcard campaigns can be a super powerful way to attract your “perfect clients”!
A fun card sent into an apartment complex could get you some first time home buyers leads
Send your farm a funny card and see if they respond to it (extra credit if you check the tax records and focus on people who have owned their homes for more than 6 years!)
Want more referrals, send the listing agents in your MLS a postcard letting them know you are looking for buyers leads and will pay a referral fee
Marketing doesn't always have to be so serious! A little bit of humor can sometimes catch their eye in the way a super sincere, “professional” postcard can't.

When do funny real estate postcards work?

I have known some really serious real estate agents who would not dream of leaving their homes without their power suites, pumps and hairspray firmly in place. They fly through the day, decreeing things and are generally not all that fun-loving. Funny realtor postcards are probably not even on their radar.
Now me, I am the self proclaimed queen of corn and find any and all puns funny. The picture above with the saying “it is fang-tastic” always makes me smile – fang-tastic, get it?!?!?! Okay, back to serious real estate marketing then. So, long story short, if you are funny in real life then marketing based on puns, plays on words or funny pictures could work for you.
What types of funny marketing messages work?
There are numerous sales channels that you can use for funny real estate postcards including buyers, farming, holidays and more. Here are some ideas to get you started. If you have some more that I missed, please leave them in the comments!
Buyers – Looking for a new pad – pair with a frog picture
Buyers – Why the long face – Having trouble finding a great house? – pair with a horse face
Sphere – Help me CLEAN UP in real estate and enjoy this soap from Sister Agnes – we used this one to when we commissioned little soaps to give as popbys at Christmas time
Sphere – I will SPRING into action as soon as I get your referral…if you know anybody that is looking to buy or sell a home, please let me know!
Sphere – Don't fall for any old agent, get the best – with pictures of leaves
Farm – Would you be my, could you be my, won't you be my neighbor! – let them know you work their neighborhood
Farm – Isn't it time to find out what your home is worth? – with a clock picture
Investors – Jump into the real estate market – with a diving picture
Fall – Real estate is kicking off the third quarter in sales, there is no better time to get back in the game. Winning interest rates, wide open inventory all add up to a touchdown for the “home” team!
Funny Real Estate Postcards FAQs
I have gotten a ton of questions over the years about how this kind of marketing can work… here are some of the ones I have gotten most!
Direct mail (postcards) generally have a 2% response rate. So if you send out 100 postcards, you should get 2 phone calls, website visits, or open house visitors.
Many agents' tax records are available. If yours are not, check with your local title companies or mortgage bankers. There are speciality lists available too, like high net worth individuals or renters.
If you have built your business on being posh and pulled together, maybe skip this idea. But for most agents, the goal is to get noticed. Comedy is a great way to attract eyeballs!
There are so many great online print houses now. I tend to use Vistaprint because it is cheap and easy, buy you can find a ton of other places by searching “mailing and printing postcards”.
You may have to hire a designer to get the kinds of postcards that you want! is a great place to find cheap design options!
First off, make sure you include contact information! If you don't want to get a bunch of emails, include your phone number! Then you should offer a freebie that will entice them to contact you! A free homebuyers guide or 10 tips for when you list your home is a great option depending on who you are targeting!
So there you have it, super funny real estate postcard tips and ideas!
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Monday 26th of July 2010
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Thursday 3rd of June 2010
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Tara L. Jacobsen and Tara Jacobsen, Tara Jacobsen. Tara Jacobsen said: Realtor Marketing Funny Realtor Postcards: Realtor Marketing Funny Realtor PostcardsRealtor marketing is generally... [...]