please note :: I often recommend resources, some I receive an affiliate commission for at no additional cost to you! check out my policies here
I have scoured the web for the best great headlines, free report titles and free optin offer offers! Having looked at HUNDREDS of sites to write this post, I have a couple of observations…
First as I was looking for great headlines in areas NOT of interest to me, I can tell you unilaterally, no matter how great your offer is, if they don't NEED what you are offering, they won't ever sign up, buy or take the next step.

Second be really niche-y! Don't try to succeed at “weight loss” or “make money”. There isn't something that you could present that will make everyone want what you have. Niche it down to something that would appeal to your perfect client or customer.
This is even more important now that the web is so BIG! For example from my world, here are three levels of free optins I could give… the one that results in the most revenue is far and away the tiniest niche, but the most passionate readers and followers.
- How to do Etsy (general)
- Free Etsy Shipping Guide (all Etsy peeps who sell products)
- Etsy SEO for Vintage Sellers (super specific part of Etsy marketing to a section of Etsy sellers!)
Lastly, there is A LOT of opportunity out there! I did this in order to be able to write better free offer headlines and I thought, “there is A LOT of competition”.

In actuality, the majority of top websites and blogs don't have any opt-in or data capture going on. Some have pop-ups that appear immediately (I ignored them until I learned more about the site), some have only social media opt-ins (good but definitely not the end game), and a few had a great free offer (a very few!)
Some Universal needs you can target:
- Make money
- Save money
- Lose weight
- Get respect
- Don't get ripped off
- Save time
- Protect your family
- Love
- Stay young, anti aging
- Personal development
- Kids
- Pets
- Health
Additional Resource: Check out 100 ways to make money online!
How To Headlines
This is a way to present that starts with the readers' need and ends with a benefit to them. In this model you start with How To [X] That Gets You [X].
How win friends and influence people (dale carnegie)
How to winterize your house and cut your monthly payments in half
How to give your children extra iron — these 3 delicious ways (
How do you monetize your content and expertise online today? I'll show you how. (
Discover how to slow down the aging process with expert skin care tips (
How often do you say to yourself, “I should have started that last week”. How to stay on track in an always on world.
Tips and Tricks (the “Secret”)

No one really knows why people are so obsessed with learning a “secret”. Knowing the unknown is a universal human need and one we can use effectively to get people onto your list.
The secret of how to get 6 pack abs with no situps
Little known ways to reduce your electric bills
Secrets of the “free” home security system (
Learn secrets most men will never know about women and dating (
Forget The Free Crap, Discover The Truth About Google Plus Powerful Secrets Nobody Knows | Shocking Mistakes Everybody Makes This Is How It's Really Done… (
The top 5 digital marketing tools for local businesses (hint: the 3 best are free) (
Discover how to describe what you do in a confident way that excites you and attracts clients -> finally (
The List
Get the shocking FREE report “top 10 mistakes men make with women” (
Free book gives you 10 unheard of ways to lose belly fat
10 steps to building a bulging bank account (tommi wolfe)
Free recording offers 10 ways to beat the high cost of remodeling
5 unbelievable ideas for making money
100 great call to action examples (
25 can't fail life saving ideas
56 ways to market your business on pinterest (copyblogger)
Discover the 39 essential tools needed to map out your goals, maximize your effectiveness, and win control of your time and your life (
The 15 poker secrets every professional knows (
The only 3 pieces of exercise equipment you need in your home (hint: they all weigh less than 5 pounds) (
10 leads a day formula – discover the 10 leads a day formula using the power of Youtube (
Clever Headlines

You have to be willing to rock the nerdy to like these, but after reading all the rest, these are my favorites!
Small step for man, giant gaffe for NASA (AP)
Going once, going twice, going to be confiscated (dan kelley)
Is this the rail price, is this just fantasy, caught up in land buys, no escape from burecracy! (ulster gazette)
Nature's 4 letter words: Wind, hail, rain (collier times)
Sneezy? Grumpy? If you visit Disney, use new sanitizers (jason garcia)
Tiger Woods plays with own balls, Nike says (AP)
Federal agents raid gun shops, find weapons (brian barber)
Statistics show that teen pregnancy drops significantly after age 25 (mary ann tebedo)
Man accused of killing lawyer receives a new attorney (sun staff writer)
Gordon Ramsey sex dwarf eaten by badger (outrageous isn't always good!)
Doing What Others Can Do

I think this is a real sleeper one, sort of like the secret but showing that it it is possible because someone else has done it before you!)
Now you can swim like Michael Phelps!
Find out how we made over 6 figures doing affiliate marketing last year
I lost 25 pounds in 5 weeks by eating this one super food!
Give me 10 days and I will show you how to swing like tiger woods
Advice to wives whose husbands don't save money – by a wife (victor scwab)
Real results for real people. You've seen my results on TV. Look at the success my members are having right now: (
Resource Guide: The top sites we use to get traffic and dominate the search engines (number 4 may surprise you)
Are you ever shy on a date? 3 tricks I use that make me the life of the party
Who else wants to be happily married?
Why some people seem to be able to lose weight and the three things they share in common
When top marketers want to make fast money, this is what they do
Who ever heard of getting skinny without exercise? Find out how one woman lost 40 pounds sitting on her couch
The One Thing You Need To Do

The one thing you must do to make more money
The one thing that will make a huge difference in your weight loss efforts
Imagine—achieving ALL your goals quickly and easily! download this free e-book and discover the exact formula for goal setting success! (
Make women want you…this one weird technique turns them on so fast it should be banned (
Amazing Offers
The ultimate guide to…
Now you can eat whatever you want and still lose weight!
Claim an incredible 100% bonus up to $747 on your first two deposits!! (
Which of these $2.50 to $5 best sellers do you want for only $1 each? (victor schwab)
Free presentation reveals a somewhat unusual tip to get a flatter belly while still eating the foods you love (
Would you like me to personally double, triple, or even quadruple your business…for free? (
Click here to watch amazing transformational videos (
Use this weird technique to make any girl kiss you… (
100% guaranteed way to make twice as much money in half the time
It seems incredible that you can get all these tips for just $7.99, but it is true!
Cataclysmic Properties or Opportunities
Unstoppable forces will either propel you to victory or bury you on page 2-3-4 of Google’s search results (
Do you make these 7 fatal mistakes when buying facebook ads?
Is the life of a child worth $1 to you? (victor schwab)
Important news for those who recently quit smoking…here’s the fastest and easiest way to clean your lungs of the poisonous tar and dangerous toxin build-up that could eventually lead to premature lung disease, cancer, or even death! (
Be prepared to be shocked – take the real age test today. The results may just surprise you. (
The sex food so potent priests were forbidden to eat it (
You Deserve It
Get the body you know you deserve…introducing Richard's new 90 day progressive workout system (
Get exclusive access to the best bars, restaurants, shops, parties and more in Las Vegas…sign up for deals, memberships, invites and special offers (
You deserve the luxury of a cadillac
Avoiding Something
LinkedIn marketing mistakes, how to avoid missing great marketing opportunities on LinkedIn (
How much lifetime & money will YOU save by quitting smoking? Beat the Nicodemon at his own game with our FREE quit-smoking program! (
Stop losing money…10 vital NL holdem' tips
If your website crashed today, would you be up and running in minutes or weeks?
50 fool proof ways to make your kids happy on a rainy day
Stop wasting money on training that doesn't work, this one course changed my whole marketing plan and made me a social media rockstar
The one little mistake that can cost you $2,000 a year
Stop getting ripped off: why consumers get screwed, and how you can always get a fair deal (bob sullivan – book title)
There is finally an easy way to stop getting ripped off at the hospital (
Do you make these mistakes in english (victor schwab)
Do you have these symptoms of entrepreneur failure?
The Exact Amount

Putting exact numbers into your catchy headline gives it credibility and makes you want to find out more!
[FREE Webinar] learn the marketing system these guys used to increase their business by 832% (
Learn how these guys grew from $0 to $2,000,000! – Free Webinar TOMORROW (
My #1 tip for writing great email newsletters, blog posts, recording videos and more! (
Reduce wrinkles & rejuvenate skin. See results in as little as 10 days. (
Facelift through exercise. Erase 10 years in 15 minutes a day. Eliminate wrinkles, jowls and more! (
4 AMAZING events to help you grow your business FAST in May 2013 (
Starting off with $56,000 in debts… a young divorced mother tells how she became a millionaire in only 34 months. Here she explains how you can start earning enough money easily to retire a millionaire in 5-8 years…(
You can master AdWords in 4 weeks with the most thorough A To Z training we’ve ever offered. I guarantee minimum 30% improvement in your performance or your money back (perry marshall)
Using your systems, my sales have increased by 215%
Skin that looks younger in 48 hours or your money back
Free Resources
Download pregnancy miracle ebook Now! (liked the testimonials section too here…Hey, Don't Believe Me! Believe What Others Said! These Are Several of Awesome Testimonials From Our Satisfied Customers! (
Small Business Marketing Guide: 100 Free Marketing Ideas
Resource Guide: the top 5 techniques to getting a man fast
Buyers Guide: How to avoid getting ripped off by the copier companies
How To Look Younger: 11 natural ways to look younger without surgery (
Free report reveals…the 5 (dirt cheap) tools I use to create all my videos (including my $80 HD video camera) (
Free report: Why go mobile. (worth $27) Discover how smart business owners are making tons of money by adopting the right mobile marketing strategies.
7 important things you must consider before choosing a health retreat. (Natural Attitudes)
Free Report Titles, Best Headlines and Free Optin Offers Wrapup
I know I said this at the start, but niche, niche, niche… not your whole business, just your offers!
Everyone is so darn busy these days that you HAVE to be willing to make optin offers and products for THEIR needs, not a big wide topic that no one will be interested in. Honestly, people have signed up for so much crap that their antenna are up and looking for scams.
When you make something that matches their needs EXACTLY, then the magic happens!
Now this doesn't mean you have to make 30 different optin offers, just have one great one and have 30 different ways to describe it to get people interested in it. That is how you can help them AND catch their attention!
Blessing Akajiaku
Monday 27th of January 2020
Great information you put together here. Just have one message and 30 ways to get them out...succinct
How To Grow A GIANT, Well At Least Functional, Email List
Wednesday 13th of November 2013
[…] Stuck for ideas? Check out our 100 Great Free Report Titles, Best Headlines and Free Optin Offers to get your creative juices […]