Here are 50 of the best kinds of postcard ideas that work. You can send them out to your clients, prospects and past clients to generate leads and make more sales. Whether you are prospecting buyers, sellers, expireds, first time homebuyers or just need some messages to send, this is the post for you! One of my top 10 real estate posts.
Why Real Estate Postcards?
Before we get to the list, let’s just talk a little bit about why I am such a proponent of sending creative real estate postcards. I was an active real estate agent in the state of Florida during probably the worst time in history to work that market.
But I thrived because I did direct mail campaigns right into the neighborhoods I was trying to target AND send postcards to my sphere. My fellow agents were super jealous about how many “come list me’s” I got from the stupid postcards I sent.
Fast forward to 2013…5 years after I sent my last postcard and the first year I didn’t get a referral commission from them.
This is because of two things… 1) people got them and put them in their drawer to remember who to call when they needed a real estate agent and 2) because I often sent out beautiful cards that were suitable for framing or hanging on a bulletin board. I do that to this day! Here are two of my most recent designs for follow up thank you note postcards!

The one thing to remember is that it doesn't cost any more to send a great postcard design than it does to send out a plain old boring, run of the mill crappy real estate postcard.
Additional resource: Funny Real Estate Postcards
The Best General Real Estate Postcards
- Notification of type of market (Hurry up and BUY, it is a buyers market, OR Hurry up and sell, it's a sellers market)
- #1 Real Estate Agent Complaint, Lack of Communication! We are just a phone call away (picture of a phone)
- Did you know I can help buy or sell anywhere in the country? (sell into the fact that as a referring agent you can help be on their side if anything goes wrong)
- Wanted…your real estate referrals (with the old west look)
The Best Postcard Ideas For Buyers
- Looking for a new pad? (with a picture of a frog!)
- Bring your hardhat and get a great deal on a new construction home
- Do you know how much home can you afford? (first time buyers)
- It costs twice as much to rent as to own, find out why (first time buyers, mailed into apartments)
- Stop paying someone else's mortgage and get your own home
- On the fence about whether to buy? Now is a great time to get into a new home!
- Want to own your own home? I can help!
- Do your kids need their own rooms? Get a bigger house today! (sent into “starter neighborhoods)
- Stop walking the dog…get Fido a yard! (with a picture of a really cute dog!)
- Pick your neighbors! Do you know anyone who is looking to buy near you?
- Stop paying rent (with burning money)
- Looking for a new home (animal with big eyes)
The Best Real Estate Postcard Ideas For Sellers

I am a huge proponent of real estate farming and a great postcard campaign can super charge your efforts! Marketing to sellers is one of the ways top producers ace out their competition. Remember that sending just one will not produce great results, it is repetition that will make your potential listings notice you.
Sending targeted real estate postcards that are seller specific can make a huge difference in your results (the number of “come list mes” you are getting!)

- Neighbor only open house
- Just Listeds (sent to 100 homes around your listing)
- Just Listeds (sent to your sphere)
- “Neighborhood expert” cards
- % of sides sold in the last year if you are farming
- Confused about how much your home is worth? Call today to get the real price!
- Puzzled over why your home hasn't sold? (puzzle piece)
- If they can't find your house on the internet, there is a good chance they will never know it is for sale!
- Home for sale inventory is low and I have a buyer looking in your neighborhood…thinking of selling?
- You bring the boxes, we'll bring the buyers (with a picture moving boxes)
The Best Postcards For Expireds
- Don't just list your house again, find out how to get it SOLD!
- Expired listing specialist (we specialized in working with homes that did not sell the first time)
- Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result
- 5 reasons your home might not have sold
- The #1 reason homes don't sell (and how you can fix it!)
Holiday Themed Postcards
- Ring in the New Year with a new home! (sent at New Years)
- I would LOVE to help you find your first home (sent at Valentines day)
- Save some green on your new home! I will negotiate you the best deal possible (sent at St. Patricks Day)
- Don't be a fooled, the real estate market is great for (buyers, sellers) right now (sent April Fools Day)
- Hop on over to see our new listings (sent for easter – picture of bunny and your website)
- Skip the toaster and get Mom what she really wants this year! A new house! (sent for Mothers Day)
- Declare independence from your old home! (sent at 4th of July)
- Let me get to work selling your home for a top price! (sent Labor Day)
- Don't be spooked by the real estate market! It is fang-tastic! (sent Halloween)
- Thanks for thinking of me to sell your home! (prospecting card sent to farm on Thanksgiving)
- Wish you could find a great real estate agent? (turkey wishbone at Thanksgiving)
- Did you ask Santa for a new home this year? Shhhhh….he told me! (sent Christmas)

Helpful Tips
- Pool safety tips
- Fireplace safety tips
- Days to fly the American flag
- How to winterize your home
- Top 10 remodeling projects that will make you the most when you sell
- 10 Tips for Getting The Most Money On Your Home Sale
Alrighty then, hopefully this list of the best kind of Real Estate Agent Postcards to send helps. I have to say that having spent the last couple of hours looking at sites offering realtor marketing for great designs, the pickings are pretty slim out there.
Instead of paying good money for sending some kind of crap design, make sure you take a little time and figure out a really cute card to send that might actually get noticed! It is so easy to design and print your own fun and funny realtor postcards. Even if you have your local Staples or UPS Store print them for you, don’t rely on boring to build your business… it won’t!
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