Okay, if you have followed me for any period of time you know that I think that you should only have three main focuses (focusi?) for your business and your entrepreneur marketing. The THREE THINGS!
Because most entrepreneurs are a little ADD and jump around, I strongly suggest that you pick three things for three months at a time!
For me right now the things that are making me money are blogging, doing crafts for my artsy fartsy blog and…this is a big one for me…affiliate marketing!
So I was sitting around the other day (at my computer “working”, but work without focus is just sitting) trying to figure out what to do next and I thought, “a ha, I will do some writing”.
Then I was still sitting and checking my email and social media….more sitting and finally I started writing a blog post, but then someone emailed and I got knocked off track again… stupid email!

Now email IS something I HAVE to do (because it supports my blog), but it isn't something I have to do ALL THE TIME. I can check it AFTER I have done the things that make income.
So here it is…DO THIS!
Figure out the three things in your business that make you the most money and that you are good at. In my business these are the three:
- Blogging
- Making projects for affiliate marketing
- Make videos and pictures
These three things get me the most traffic to my websites. Get me the most opportunities to earn ad income. Get me the most referral links to my affiliate programs. So…
End of conversation. These are the three things I have to do BEFORE I do anything else EVERY DAY.
Go ahead and write your three things that you HAVE to do to make money in your business…I will be here waiting when you get back! (queue the Jeopardy theme song)
Now, get yourself a piece of colored paper and write them big and bold. Put them up where you can see them ALL DAY while you work.
When you find yourself straying into other things, ask yourself, “am I done with my three things” and if not, get your butt back in your seat and start doing those three things!
I have to say that if you asked me the three easiest things to do in my business I would cite the same list. I KNOW blogs work because I have been pounding them out for years and like getting the chance to research or write them.
I make videos about what I see as things people are missing in their marketing and I am a graphic artist so making pictures is actually fun for me.
BECAUSE they are all easy for me, sometimes it feels like “cheating” to spend my days doing them. There is so much other “stuff” that needs to be done that “just” working on my important things feels like shirking my duties or playing hokey!
Write your three things. Do them first every day for a week. See what happens. Tell me about it (I LOVE hearing how people's lives change with little tweeks!)

Friday 17th of July 2020
I'm going to have to think on this one. Not sure yet which three things would make me the most money, but I totally agree on improving focus. I've been down a lot of marketing rabbit holes in my time. My worst was Twitter. Every year or so I will talk myself into a Twitter account because it works for other people, but every time I have tried has been a disaster. The last time, I signed up, didn't follow anyone, did one search, and I got flagged for suspicious activity. I suppose I could learn with enough patience, but then I have to ask myself if it's the best use of my time. Right now it's certainly not. Thanks for the reminder to keep in my own lane.