If you started an Etsy shop, you might be wondering how things are going when you don't have any sales and very few views so far!

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How To Check Your SEO
If you are following along with your new shop stats, go to marketing > search analytics. You can see all the “queries” that people have searched that your listings might show up in.
Click on the number on the right to see which listing is coordinated with which keyword!

So what can I learn from this?
Peter Pan and Wendy Book Title Poster
What I see first off is that my peter and wendy book title poster is doing the best. They keywords it is showing up for are peter and wendy poster, book title art, book title poster, buchkunst bcherseite peter pan, peter pan and wendy book, peter pan baby room, peter pan illustration, peter pan poster

So why is this one doing so good when other listings aren't?
First off it is a known story in the public domain so more people are searching for this term in general. I DON'T recommend using Disney properties for your listings, but if you can use public domain images that match current searches, good on you!
Second it was my first listing about 5 days ago. In just that little a time Etsy was able to figure it out and rank it in their site for the correct search terms… whoo whoo!
I used Marmalead to find the right keywords to have a chance for ranking my listing!
The Cocktail Girls Etsy Listing
The next highest one in the search results is the cocktail girls! They rank for 8X10 print, outsider art, outsider art download, and outsider art digital print.

So why is this one doing so good when other listings aren't?
Again, this is the SECOND listing I posted so it is just a matter of time that Etsy has had a chance to figure out what my listing is about. The keywords that they rank for are relevant so I am excited that they are getting some love!
Fairy Tale Princess Etsy Listing
Last that has keywords is the Fairy Tale Princess, which is ranking for Artsy Fartsy (my shop name), nursery unique and princess pink.

This was my third listing, so FOR SURE it takes a few days for any listing to start showing up in search and being assigned keywords to rank for!
Etsy SEO FOr My First Week Wrapup
I hope that this gives you a good idea of what you can expect early on in the life of your shop! What comes to mind for me is that for a beginning shop, watching these early signs is something fun we can do while we wait for our first sale!
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