Years ago blog commenting was a great way to drive traffic to your website. But what about today, is it still good to comment on other peoples blogs? My best tips and ideas for why you should and shouldn’t use blog commenting today.

Blog Commenting's Past
Before we get to why most blog commenting is worthless, let's talk about when this strategy worked.
5+ years ago, when blogging was more of a journal of thoughts than informational, you could get to talk to the blog owner or do networking with other people of the same interests in the comments.
There were also plugins and tools that would pull links to your recent comments and make those links to your site (one of these was CommentLuv).
Blog Comments Today
The thing about people teaching to do a blog commenting campaign today is that they are just regurgitating information that is totally out of date OR they are providing a service that is performing blog commenting and trying to generate revenue.
Please, if you read nothing else, DO NOT PAY FIVERR people to spam blog comments. You are literally wasting money.
Let us start with WHY you want to comment on blog posts. There are any number of reasons but in general it is to:
- get a high comment on a popular blog so that people will follow your link and find your site
- to be SO insightful that everyone who reads your comment will be forced to visit your site
- get a backlink that has the correct keywords to increase your google rank or
- to post a comment so full of actual links to your site that you are spammer and will not be taken seriously and your comment may not be published
You will notice that two of the three of these require that a human see your comment and then follow a link back to your site. If you are paying someone who is in another country to post inane comments like “good post” or gibberish that makes no sense, this is just throwing money down the drain.
We had a number of clients who spent good money to get “backlinks” this way. Unfortunately when checking the links, most were on “no follow” blogs so they were basically paying for nothing!
According to Wikipedia a no follow blog is
a value that can be assigned to the rel attribute of an HTML a element to instruct some search engines that a hyperlink should not influence the link target's ranking in the search engine's index.
What that means for us marketers is that google will not count that as a point in our favor so if we are not going to do commenting the right way our time is wasted!
Commenting On Popular Blogs
This one works well if you have the time to cruise popular blogs in your industry and are prepared to make insightful comments that ADD the conversation rather than just posting “first” on them.
The reason this works well is that comments generally show from first to last and so anyone reading the post will get to see what you wrote and may click the link to get back to your site.
The only thing to watch out for on this is one is to make sure you are early or late in the conversation, some popular blogs get HUNDREDS of comments and being in the middle of them will get you no love.
Posting Insightful Comments
This one works well and if used in conjunction with targeting industry leaders can increase both your traffic and networking efforts.
So this is how it works, you take someone like Howie Jacobson, adwords genius, who writes a blog and has written a book about how to do adwords correctly.
If you are in the online marketing field, he is a great one to comment on because people read his blog AND he answers his own comments. This way you could get a click back while increasing the chances that a big wig in your industry might notice you and possibly recommend you OR comment on YOUR blog!
So what is an insightful comment. I can tell you that is not determined by length!
Just yesterday I wrote a post about real estate farm marketing (which is picking an area that a realtor would target) and got a really long considered comment about selling farms in the midwest.
TOTAL disconnect and I did not approve the comment so that time was wasted for either the person commenting or whoever they hired to do this work. Make sure that you write a couple of sentences that are relevant to the conversation!
It is also about content! Here is a comment that came in on that same post, “Thanks for a great post. very informative. I totally agree with you, having is the right mindset is most important of all. I Have already shared this post with a few of my friends and they loved it. Thanks”.
NOW, while I have plenty of posts that talk about mindset, this was not one of them. Had they taken two minutes more and found the right post to comment on, I would have approved it even though it was spammy. The grammar mistake was theirs not mine!
Commenting On Blogs for Keyword Targeted Backlinks
This one is a little technical and somewhat controversial. If your whole point of commenting is to get a keyword targeted backlink then you need to use a term like “Small Business Marketing” as your name rather than your REAL name (in this case I would want to use Small Business Marketing INSTEAD of my real name Tara Jacobsen).
If I did this on a blog that allowed follows then the google would attribute that keyword back to my blog!
Unfortunately most blogs are no follow and additionally, some that are will not post comments from keywords, only people. If you are paying people to post comments, then make sure they are targeting “do follow blogs” and that they are using your keyword targeted names.
Commenting With Hyperlinks
One of the easiest ways to get labeled a spammer is to post a comment FULL of hyperlinks to your website. If it is an open comment blog it will get posted but it is impolite.
If the blog author monitors their comments then they will, in most cases, not approve the comment. Either way, definitely not a best white-hat marketing practice!
So there you have it! My top commenting on blog posts marketing tips. If you have any further suggestions or comments please leave them below with your real name and no spam..:)
Rajiv Sikka
Monday 24th of August 2020
Thanks for sharing the valuable content with all of us.
Frank Kern Core Influence
Wednesday 1st of May 2013
I have read your post! I would love to try some of your ideas in business marketing. Thank you so much for this wonderful blog.
Saturday 4th of February 2012
I have been using blog commenting for about a year as the dominant method to get backlinks and most of those links are "nofollow". I can tell you that those nofollow links show up in my Google Webmaster Tools reported metrics. I can also tell you that my site is PR 2 and my backlink building activity continues with the addition of article marketing.
Tara Jacobsen
Monday 26th of December 2011
@jami - will have to check out the hubspot idea! thanks Tara
Jami Crittle
Friday 23rd of December 2011
what I do is use Google Alerts, as well as HubSpot and also search keywords for the latest trending articles/blogs that people have written about. If and only if there is something I can comment on do I comment. Sometimes I will link back to the web site and other times I just mention the company name and the relative products that relate to the blog post.
I do appreciate the tip of not getting the love if I post in the middle of a conversation, but getting the alerts and being plugged in to HubSpots Social Network tool helps to stay on top.