These colorful bookmarks are perfect for readers who want to have a thoughtful, positive reading experience (and keep their place!) They also make a great free gift for the book lover in your life!

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All The Gratitude Bookmarks!
I know I like to see what I am getting before I commit to scrolling down, so here is a peek at all the free gratitude bookmarks!

Additional Resource: Thanksgiving and Gratitude Quotes
Why Did I Make These Free Printables?
They say that there is no free lunch… so why did I make these free printable bookmark designs?
So first off, it my year of making freebies to give away to my peeps… they love them and I love making them.
Second, I am lucky enough to have ads on my site so every time someone visits I get a wee bit of money… whoo whoo.
And NO! You don't have to click the ads to help, but if you did want to help me you could share this page on your favorite Facebook Group or Pin it to Pinterest.
How To Print These Bookmarks
I formatted the pages to print out at 8.5″X11″, letter sized paper.
I like to use a heavier weight of paper like presentation paper or bright white cardstock. It makes the colors pop and is a little heavier weight so you don't mess up your bookmarks the first time you use them!
I send mine out to the local UPS but they for sure will print just fine on your home printer!
How To Download The Bookmarks
The full sized files are below!
Just right click and choose “save as” on a computer or long click and choose save on your phone.
Personal License Included
I designed these bookmarks with a combination of images from Creative Fabrica and my creativity!
With that in mind I give permission to use these for your personal use… and there is a copyright disclaimer at the bottom that will let you print out a reasonable number of them at a commercial printer (for something like this bookmark set, reasonable could be a classroom of kids or a bunch for a librarian to hand out!)
What you don't have permission to do is sell these online or printed out (only my besty Rebekah can do that).
Free Printable Gratitude Quotes Bookmarks
I can't wait to see how much fun you have using these bookmarks! Please shoot me an email with a picture ([email protected]) so I can include it in this post!
Printable Bookmarks About Thankfulness #1
This cute trio of free printable gratitude bookmarks includes: I am thankful for nature's beauty, I am counting my blessings and grateful for today's blessings. Makes a super fun gift for the book worm in your life!
(to download right click and chooses “save as” or long click on a phone)

Free Printable Grateful Bookmark Quotes #2
This boomark printable includes: I am grateful for peace and harmony, I am thankful for opportunities, I am thankful for creativity and inspiration! Use them for yourself or gift them to the book lover in your life!
(to download right click and chooses “save as” or long click on a phone)

Gratitude Bookmarks For Readers, Teachers or Librarians #3
These bookmarks include: I have a gratitude attitude, I have a thankful heart and I am blessed and grateful. I can't help but thinking I would love to have gotten that gratitude attitude when I was a girl in school reading on the school bus every day on the way home!
(to download right click and chooses “save as” or long click on a phone)

Free Printable Gratitude Bookmark Quotes Wrapup
I hope you have as much fun using these free printable bookmarks as I had making them! If you have any great ideas for gratitude quotes free bookmarks, free planner pages or free inspirational wall art let me know ([email protected])!