I LOVE a to do list and having a bit of motivation along for the ride makes it even better! These free printable digital downloads are pretty and fun to use for your daily to-dos!

Why I Made These To Do Lists
I LOVE a to do list to keep on track with what I need to get done in a day! Add in a little check box that I can do a ticky tack on and swoon, I am all over this!
Years ago I struggled with finding the perfect planner and found over time that what worked for me was to find all different kinds of pages that I could use to make my own!
That is why I share all these pages with you… so you can make your own perfect planner based off different pretty pages that you find on my site!
Why Are These To Do Lists Free?
So first off, they are free because I already made them for me to use… yay! As a graphic designer nerd, it is fun to create a to do list that is just perfect for me (and maybe you!)
And I am fortunate enough to make a little bit of money from ads on my site every time someone comes to my pages (and no! you don't have to click on them, just being here is perfect!)
But, if you DO want to help spread these and make sure I make more, simply share the link on Facebook or pin it on Pinterest!!! Those things really do help to make my site more popular!!
Free Printable Motivational To Do Lists
To download, simply right click on the to do list and select “save as”… they are super big files that print well!
It is super easy to print these, you can use your own printer or send them to Office Depot or UPS for printing. The copyright on the bottom will let them print them for your own personal use!
GET THEM ALL! These match the free printable daily planner pages, monthly planner pages and the weekly planner pages!
Make Your Own Magic – To Do List Printable
I am a practical gal, and also a little airy fairy who loves me some magic too! This colorful to do list is the perfect blend of those two things for me! Simply check each one off when you complete the task.
right click and pick “save as” on a computer, tap and hold on an ipone, ipad or android

Spread Sunshine Not Shade – Pretty Yellow To Do List
This to do list will help you stay super positive throughout your day … even when others try to bring you do, remember that I love you! I love how this one has spaces for the big tasks you need to get done and room for things that are on your “nice to do” list too!
right click and pick “save as” on a computer, tap and hold on an ipone, ipad or android

Boss Lady Pink Free Printable To Do List
The ultimate girl boss to do list… super stylish and pretty in pink! Never has a task list been so stylish and cute!
right click and pick “save as” on a computer, tap and hold on an ipone, ipad or android

You Are Enough Flower Printable To Do List
I LOVE the vintage hippy vibe of this one! Rainbows, peace sign AND sunflowers? Yes, please to this fun retro to do list! My favorite part of this one that you can mark the date of the daily tasks that you got done!
right click and pick “save as” on a computer, tap and hold on an ipone, ipad or android

In A World Full of Roses Be A Sunflower – To List Printable
This pretty as a picture to do list will remind you to just be yourself! The world needs you just the way you are! Perfect when you just have a few items on your list for the day.
right click and pick “save as” on a computer, tap and hold on an ipone, ipad or android

Dreams Don't Work Unless You Do – Rainbow To Do List
I am a busy bee, always working and doing something or other! I love this little reminder that I have to “do the work” paired with pretty pastels and who doesn't love a rainbow! This task management sheet is for those of us who love the hustle culture and can't wait to start working each morning.
right click and pick “save as” on a computer, tap and hold on an ipone, ipad or android

Good Things Take Time – Free Inspirational To Do List
How delicate and pretty is this to do list? A butterfly and flowers paired with encouraging words is just what I need some days to keep me going! I see this one more for important tasks to do throughout the week, rather than something that would be a daily routine.
right click and pick “save as” on a computer, tap and hold on an ipone, ipad or android

Free Motivational To Do List Printables Wrapup
Whew, those were super fun to make and share with you! I hope that bringing a little bit of pretty, paired with inspiration will help make your huge list of things you have to get done better!
Time management is one of the cornerstones of my business and I feel so blessed to be able to share these with you to help you get organized too!!
If you have a great idea for a free planner printable that you would like, hit me up with an email [email protected]