Rarely do I write a bad review, normally I am a walk away from things that I don't like kind of gal, but this time I feel like I need to warn others about a product.

I am not sure when I signed up for the Blogger Breakthrough Summit Membership, could have been last year or years ago, but for sure I signed up!
That said, I was surprised to see a charge for $108 come through for a company called Double Jacks Media. Whatever it was, no bother, I sent a nice message and asked for a refund.

I thought that this would be no big thing… as a business owner I have a 100% money back guarantee for anything I sell! First off because I want to create quality products that are good for other people and second because I don't want to have someone write a mean post about me!
Well, I got a message from “Liz” and she is not having it! Her money back guarantee is only for the first year…

I checked out her terms….

And Liz is right, she did say that in her terms, exactly 1,874 words from the top.
And seeing how the only highlight on the page is this…

You can be sure-tooting that Liz will in no uncertain terms NOT be refunding your money if you are dumb enough not to cancel in time!
Get that? Liz doesn't do refunds after the first 7 days in the first year… I said it loud for the people in the back that did not hear it! (and yes, I did look up how to make highlighting in HTML so you could focus on it!)
So let's be clear about this, Liz is right. I agreed to the terms and she doesn't have to refund me.
Think about that, she wrote the terms and is now enforcing them. This is not some HUGE company where the CEO dictates things and the minions have no say in it, Liz wrote the terms and Liz is enforcing them.
So if you think that there are some great speakers in the Blogger Breakthrough Summit, for sure go ahead and get it! Many of my friends speak on different summits from time to time and they are a GREAT way to get training from different perspectives.
But you sure as shooting better put a note in your calendar to cancel it because Liz is not kidding… you will be charged yearly and she will not refund you.
Why I Wrote This Post
Am I sad I spent $108 on nothing? Yup, but that is not going to make or break my bank.
But for some people a $108 charge could mean an overdraft or even having to skip a meal.
If Liz has taken the time highlight YOUR responsibility, she knows that this is an issue. She might get messages from people like me who didn't realize that this was a recurring charge.
And it seems that her business model accounts for this by having a hard line about refunds… fair.
Liz gets to choose her business practices (not what I would do but hey, she got her $108 from me).
I also get to choose what to write about and I am choosing to use my voice to let you know in advance that you have to remember to cancel!
and just for a little perspective, this whole post is only 576 words long!