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If you would like your advertising to reach a targeted audience of women entrepreneurs, real estate agents or Etsy sellers, you have come to the right place! My audience consists of solopreneurs and super small business owners who have either just an assistant or perhaps a small support team.

The mix of readers is a little different across my various channels, but here is a general breakdown…

Marketing Artfully Website:

Age Gender


All entrepreneurs – 50K+ monthly views on Marketing Artfully, 7K+ monthly views on YouTube,  5K+ Pinterest followers

Real Estate Agents

I started Marketing Artfully in 2008 when I was just getting out of real estate so the early focus of this site was real estate marketing. Since then I have grown that list to almost 2,500 email addresses and receiving over 11K hits per month on my real estate marketing pages.

Etsy Sellers

In 2015 I opened my first Etsy store and since then have increased my Etsy influence to over 1,250 email addresses and 15K hits per month to Etsy/Ecommerce related blog posts.

Advertising Opportunities

If you offer a service or product that would match my readers, please fill out the form below and let's talk! I don't allow things like pharmaceuticals, investing or other sketchy sites and reserve the right to work only with companies I like. 

Large Promotion Package

Large Promotion

To give you an idea of what I provide, here is a campaign I did recently for Printify who was trying to launch their service on Etsy. Thus far the post has received 4,250 views and the videos account for 2K+ views.

Now, please note, my audience is not a “fast moving, turn on a dime group”. Generally it will take a month or two to get a post up to speed. This is because I share on social, plus cross link within both the blog and various other related videos and content.

Post Growth Over Time

lack of views during January 2018 was because of missing analytics code, not a site problem

The cost for this kind of project would be in the $1,000 range that would include:

  • Blog post
  • Email share
  • Social shares
  • 1-2 Videos
  • Graphics for post & videos

Small Promotional Package

A smaller package including just a blog post OR video, graphics and social shares. These smaller promotions will run in the $300-500 range.

Sidebar Placement

My site has segregated sidebars for all the different product categories (customer demographics, real estate, Etsy, etc.) Placement can be site-wide or industry specific.

  • Site wide – $100 a month
  • Industry Specific – $50 a month

Product Review

Occasionally I will review a product in exchange for access to the item. I generally require 6 months to 1 year of access as these are done only when I have extra time or an interest. Paid promotions always come before a simple product review.

Timeline / Approval

Generally I only do one promoted post a month per industry. Generally I will be able to do a blog post within 30 days of the last promotion's calendar date.

I do allow approvals from my sponsors! If you would like to see a full post before it is launched, I am happy to work with you. Significant changes could require additional charges, but that is not generally an issue.

All content is written or recorded by me and will never be “farmed out” to another writer.

Get A Quote!

Shoot me an email [email protected] and let me know what level of advertising you are interested in!