As a lifestyle blogger it is sometimes hard to figure out how to get more views (especially if you have plateaued!) Here are my best tips and ideas to increase your views, increasing your traffic and revenue if you have ads on your blog!

please note :: I often recommend resources, some I receive an affiliate commission for at no additional cost to you! check out my policies here
1. Get out of your niche
I KNOW, everyone says you should have a blog niche, but that is not always the best way to increase your views.
A couple of years ago I had hit the wall and couldn't really get more than 25K or so views to my posts, no matter how many I wrote. Then I started blogging about Etsy marketing and doubled my views in a year.
Now, I didn't go all crazy and start blogging about knitting on my marketing blog, but I did reach a new audience that I hadn't been reaching before.
To Do: Think about a related topic you can cover that could get you more views! (don't overthink this, Etsy marketing has really low views per month, but aggregated over all the keywords I rank for now is
Here are how my keywords increased after adding Etsy!

2. Figure out the right keywords to use
This one is a huge “smack your head” kind of thing! I was blogging on my lifestyle site about decoupage, decoupage boxes, envelopes, etc.
And doing a search for decoupage we see, that I could possibly get some good views if I rank highly!

I did all kinds of things like Mod Podge, decoupage history, etc. But it wasn't until one day when I saw a gal that was blogging about Adult Crafts that I realized I was thinking WAY TOO SMALL!!!
There are a million Adult Crafts that I could talk about! So now I am doing junk journal envelopes, altered books, crafting tools, etc.
To Do: Check and see if you are thinking too small. Is there something else you can talk about that is popular that you haven't thought of!! Check and see what bloggers like you call what they write about or visit YouTube and see their other suggested videos for ideas.
3. The fastest traffic is Pinterest traffic
I get almost all of the traffic to my tiny site from Pinterest. It is slowly growing with keywords from Google, but there have been numerous studies that show the top ranked posts on Google are an average of 2 YEARS old!
For this one I used two strategies, writing about something different AND adding my pins to Pinterest which really took off! Whoo whoo!

See that little line bumping along the bottom? That was when I was talking about decoupage and essential oils and relying on Google to send me traffic.
Then I started blogging about dementia and Alzheimers when my Mother In Law moved in with us! (I process trauma by blogging about it!)
I posted a few pictures onto Pinterest and it just took off! Let's talk about why that happened…
First off, most of the websites about this topic are dry as dirt medical sites that don't really help caregivers cope (my cleaning up poop post is super popular). AND it is an emergency need… if you have a loved one living with you who has dementia you NEED help!
To Do: Start getting better at making MANY Pinterest pins for the same post and sharing them over time. My best post has 5 different pins that I have shared.
4. Use Tailwind's Smart Loop or Tribes
Tailwind is a scheduling and sharing site for bloggers on Pinterest. They have Smart Loop where you can continually share your older posts and Tribes where you can find people who blog about similar topics to you and will share your Pinterest pins.
It is hard to tell which of these services will work best for you without trying them first. Here is how they work for me..
Tribes – Great for my new little blog, I get a bunch of my traffic from their shares. It is not as good for Smart Loops because I don't have all that much content to share yet. (I get these stats with Kristie Hill's free Google Dashboard for Pinterest)

Smart Loop – Smart Loop is really good for my big old site that has scads of content that I never really shared before!
To Do: Check out Tailwind to see if one of their products can help you get more exposure! (they have free options to try before you buy!)
5. Email your blog posts to your list
I KNOW, email again, but this one is a little different! I heard for years that the “money is in the list”, but my list doesn't really buy a whole lot of anything.
This was super frustrating for years until I put Mediavine ads on my website and now I can share my amazing posts to my email list… they get great info and I make money just for them reading… whoo whoo!!
To Do: If you don't have an email list yet, start one. If you have one, start sending them a weekly email with links to your blog posts!
6. Share on Facebook groups
This is not that lame, “share on Facebook” idea! Instead this is a “look and see what is available” idea!
Two of my favorite Facebook groups let you post links legally! GotVintage lets everyone do a quarterly promotion post and my favorite Facebook group, Bloggers Tell All, lets us share one post weekly and we all share each others pins!
These are not groups devoted entirely to sharing, rather they are groups I belong to that allow sharing!
To Do: Check out opportunities in your groups to legally share!
7. Use Quora to promote your blog posts
I LOVE! It is a site where people ask questions all day long, and oftentimes I can find one of my blog posts that would be a good answer.
Now, you don't want to just drop in and leave a link, make sure you write out a thoughtful answer and then at the bottom leave a link for additional information!

To Do: Sign up for Quora and search for questions to answer. As you answer more and more in the same topic, the more they will consider you an “expert”.
7 Creative Tips To Get More Blog Views Wrapup
There you have it, all my best tips to help lifestyle bloggers more blog views. Like many of my best posts, I was functionally writing this to remind myself of things that have worked in the past and that I need to get back to!
I already answered a Quora question today and put calendar reminders in to promote my Vintage Etsy marketing posts in the vintage Facebook group!
What to dos are you going to do?